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Anna Karamazina

26.11.2022 15:00

Let's get parents as enthusiastic about school education as they are about school athletics

Before we can achieve positive development in our education sector, we must first recognize that parents are the bedrock answer to early education. A good educational system is dependent on parents. Without parental involvement, no proposal, no matter how wonderful, will yield fruit.

It's the kind of parental passion and engagement for scholastic work that rivals the excitement seen at Friday night football games among parents who, in large part, do not even attend parent night at their child's school.

Too many individuals believe that their children's education is primarily the responsibility of public schools. This is not just incorrect; it is a fundamental flaw of many parents that leads to the failure of so many youngsters. If this attitude and concept of accountability do not change, we will continue down the same path that has failed so many children from low-income households.

Let us examine the present situation of education in Brevard County. Overall, it performs well. If you disagree, look at the other 66 school districts in Florida. Brevard County's education system is not the greatest in Florida, but it is near the top. Go one step further and compare Brevard Public Schools with other schools across the country. If you do this, you will have a fresh respect for the excellent job being done by the devoted teachers and administrators under tough conditions.

With a substantial proportion of minority pupils reading below grade level, it is evident that everything is not well at Brevard Public Schools. Yet, no remedy can be discovered until parents recognize the importance of education and share that idea with their young kid.

The major purpose of any school system, including Brevard Public Schools, should be to get parents to recognize the importance of education and to get them involved in their child's education.

If mom is ecstatic in the bleachers when young Johnny scores a touchdown but does not share her passion for his studies, little Johnny acquires a horrible lesson about education. Taller Johnny receives a harsh lesson in education when dad high-fives him when he performs well in basketball but does not follow suit when it comes to classroom and homework. Someone has to tell parents who want their kid to be an NBA superstar that their child's chances of becoming a world-famous brain surgeon are better.

There are portions of our society, groups of individuals united by faith or culture, who recognize the need for education. Their success may be seen all around Brevard County. We can observe who is successful in the arts, culture, science, business, and professions. Have you ever pondered what similarities exist? No longer will you be perplexed. It was their parents' direct parental involvement, and it remains their direct parental involvement in every element of their child's education.

Let us stop worrying about school infrastructure and instead invest in the infrastructure of a child's brain. Abe Lincoln lacked air conditioning. Let us stop promoting athletics without also honoring educational achievements. Let us stop worrying about whether law enforcement or the school system will handle punishment and instead focus on educating our children (and, if necessary, their parents) how to behave in a civilized scholastic atmosphere.

The ignorant lower-income parent wants the same thing for their kid as the college-educated engineer. The only difference is that one appreciates the importance of education while the other does not. Alter the mentality of parents, and you will improve our children's education. This is an issue that can be solved.

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