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Some useful Things for you

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Why create QR codes for small businesses

To create a QR code for a link, video or picture - click on the button below.

Business QR code

The global pandemic has negatively affected different business sectors, especially small businesses. Many small entrepreneurs are under the threat of closure and bankruptcy because of countless restrictions. The QR code generator can be one of the most effective tools to apply during a crisis. QR technology can help you adapt your business to current pandemic conditions and allow it to develop.

QR Code Now!

Put your QR code link, add name for your QR, select content category and generate!

Generate QR Code
QR Code Generator

How QR codes contribute to the digitalization

Times, business principles, and the demand for certain activity areas are constantly changing... But the need to maintain and increase the level of sales remains unchanged. Because of global crises and different life challenges, companies endeavor to digitalize their business, and QR technology is just the perfect tool for this.

Using the QR code generator, startups and small companies open up new opportunities not only to keep their business afloat in times of crisis but also to scale it up. Take a look at the top reasons to use QR technology to promote your brand online and offline.


QR Code Generator
Contactless QR Code

Contactless interaction

The QR code is an effective tool for working under social distancing restrictions. The buyer can scan the code using any device and purchase the desired product or service without unnecessary contact with other people. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ability to create the QR code emphasizes the company’s responsibility to its clients’ health, which results in the desired feedback - customer loyalty.

Universal approach

Regardless of the business line, it’s always relevant to generate the QR code. A small family restaurant, a gym near the house, a hair salon in a neighboring yard - the benefits of QR codes are obvious to all small businesses. With the help of QR codes, it’s easy for clients to order the delivery of ready meals, get access to video tutorials on Pilates, or book a haircut at a convenient time.


Ease of use

Today it’s difficult to find a person who has never used or at least not seen QR codes. The codes are especially popular among people 18-35 years old who spend a lot of time on the Internet. Moreover, this tool is willingly used not only by the representatives of generation Z but also by the older generation. All you need to do is add a call to action to the QR code and customize the design, for instance by choosing a frame or adding a logo.

Work without limits

If you create a QR code online, you’ll have the ability to work even during the most severe restrictions. For example, a restaurant can offer guests contactless service (arrange targeted delivery or takeaway food service), fitness trainers can carry out training via Skype, and so on. Thus, customers don’t need to physically come to your establishment so that you can sell them products or provide services.


Universal QR Code
Dynamic QR Codes

Small business + QR

You can use the QR code generator for any content: links, images, photos, videos, etc. ME-QR service will help you create dynamic QR codes and track their effectiveness. With this tool you’ll make your business more flexible, modern, and profitable.

Another important plus is that your customers don’t need to install an additional application on their smartphone to use the QR code. Almost all modern models of gadgets support the scanning option through a camera or a QR scanner, and this greatly facilitates interaction with the audience.

QR codes for small businesses are a modern must-have. Be on the cutting edge of technology!

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