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Anna Karamazina

26.11.2022 15:00

7 popular content types and how to use them

Content is the currency of the internet, and there are hundreds of types that brands can concentrate on creating to engage cult, reach new target requests, give value to guests, and allure new prospects.

But with all the different types of content that are out there, it can be delicate for brands to know which bones to concentrate on, so for a moment we’re going to go over the top seven content types and how you can use them to drive growth.


Blogging has been around for as long as the internet has, but the practice has come more sophisticated over the times, especially when it comes to businesses using blogs to engage cult.

Moment’s blogs are applicable, high-quality, and well-written pieces about motifs that your followership finds intriguing, so they can be a great tool for erecting authority, trust, and connections, and accordingly driving transformations. Other benefits of a blog are that posts are fairly easy to write and publish, they are largely shareable, and they are fluently discovered by hunt machines.

Blogging stylish practices If you don’t have a tone-hosted blog, you can use services similar as WordPress, Tumblr, Medium, and Blogger. Blogging, still, is a regular commitment, and you have to be prepared to post every couple of days. You should always include a call to action in each post, and link blogs to each other and to other content to help compendiums discover further about you.

You should also optimize your posts with applicable keywords, as long as they are worked in seamlessly and naturally. Eventually, make sure you concentrate on motifs that will intrigue your target followership, and use your moxie on the subjects to make authority and trust.


List papers may feel kindly gimmicky, but they are extremely popular and are not going anywhere. One of the reasons they are so popular is because they are easy to read, scannable, visually appealing, and when done right — intriguing and largely shareable.

From a content creation perspective, listicles are also easy to write, because once you have a content and a number, all you have to do is fill in the blanks. Still, that doesn’t mean you can throw together a listicle without putting any study into the content matter because indeed this type of content has to be instructional and high-quality.

Listicle stylish practices Always flash back to number your heads in a listicle, and make sure the number matches the title; else, you will confuse compendiums. Like other content types, lists should still have prolusions and conclusions, and they should be optimized with applicable keywords. You can have as numerous figures in your lists as you like, and long lists are just as respectable as shorter ones, but details are always important.


Ebooks are a type of long-form content, and as the name suggests, they are electronic books that are frequently available as PDF downloads or in HTML format. This type of content can give you a great outlet for participating your knowledge and moxie on a given content. Ebooks have a number of benefits, including supereminent generation, establishing authority, growing dispatch lists, and beefing up your overall content immolation.

Ebook stylish practices The main focus of an ebook should be furnishing results. Else, it won’t be of value to your followership. Thus, minimize the time you spend on advertising and concentrate more on generalized results. A good rule of thumb for ebooks is to keep the promotional rudiments to between 5 and 10 percent of the content. This type of content demands exploration, time, and quality jotting, so it’s stylish to have a plan in place before you start.


Infographics are among the most popular types of content you can produce, and this is because they present a great deal of information (similar as statistics, exploration, and other data) in a visual way that’s engaging, digestible, and shareable.

In fact, infographics are participated three times more frequently than other content types on social media, so they can also help you with your backlink structure, as well as growing your followership.

Infographic stylish practices Creating an infographic is an art, and there are lots of effects to be apprehensive of when designing one. For one thing, it’s important to incorporate plenitude of white space into the piece to keep it clean and systematized. Numerous infographics also break content up into sections to keep information separate and use reciprocal colors to maintain interest. To ensure clarity, come up with a descriptive title and use clear sources that are easy to read.


Video is a tremendously successful form of content, and by 2020 it’s anticipated to be 80 percent of all web business. Also, 96 percent of consumers find product vids helpful, and nearly 75 are more likely to make a purchase after watching a videotape.

Any type of video content will help you engage your cult, increase shares and commentary, increase transformations, and drive business to your website. Other types of vids you can consider are interviews, call-in shows, a behind the scenes look at the office, and explainer vids.

Video stylish practices Just like ebooks and other forms of content, the main end of a videotape should be to give value to your followership by answering questions, furnishing results, addressing pain points, or else furnishing applicable information.

How-to Guides

How-to and educational content are analogous to long-form blog posts that go into great depth about how to do anything from achieving a task to erecting commodities and further. The exact nature of your tutorial will depend on your followership and your assiduity, but this type of content is great for participating moxie, erecting trust, and growing dispatch lists.

How-to guide stylish practices One of the most important effects to flash back with tutorials is that they must be top-quality in terms of jotting because they've to be clear, terse, and precise in telling compendiums how to complete the task at hand. The layout and design must make the piece easy to read, should break the task into manageable ways, and should presumably include plates, plates, screenshots, vids, and other graphic rudiments to illustrate pivotal points or hard-to-complete ways.

Case Studies

Case studies are a good way of making issues relatable because they use archetypal exemplifications to illustrate common pain points and challenges your followership may face. Another reason it’s a good content choice is because it demonstrates to prospects how your brand, products, or services can help break problems they may be passing, and this will foster strong connections and make fidelity.

Case study stylish practices To produce an effective case study, start by recapitulating the problem your client was facing. Next, go over what the result was while furnishing practicable and step-by-step exemplifications that prospects can use to repeat the process. Eventually, give a summary of the results that your client achieved using your products or services, emphasizing how the results answered the problem and made your client’s life better.

To make the content engaging and relatable, think about it more as a success story than a case study, and concentrate on the approaches and whys of the story. Eventually, don’t forget to give a conclusion that includes a strong CTA.

Content is the way you present information, engage cult, drive business, start exchanges, and else communicate with guests and prospects online. Choosing the right type of content for your business and your followership, thus, can take your content strategy to the coming position and help you achieve the pretensions you want to reach.

These 7 types of content are some of the most popular across the web, and by using the stylish practices outlined then, you will be suitable to produce top-notch content that will engage, delight, and encourage sharing.


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