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Anna Karamazina

26.11.2022 15:00

10 Ways to Limit Screen Time

Did you know that, besides sleeping, most American children spend more time watching TV and looking at defenses than doing nearly anything additional? In fact, first graders kiddies spend nearly six hours per day in front of television and other defenses (banning schoolwork). That’s 42 hours per week of screen time – the fellow of a full time job!

When used wisely, high-quality and educational TV and apps can help children learn. But the further time children spend playing video tape games, texting and watching television, the less time they've for studying, reading and physical exertion. Media use also interferes with sleep. Numerous studies have indeed shown a link between the quantum of television kiddies watch and their being fat.

Still, try these ten tips

If you want to reduce screen time and make television and other defenses less tempting to your children. Keep the television, laptop, tablet,etc. in a central position like the family room.

- No television in the child’s bedroom

- Keep the television off during regale and after regale until school work is done. Same for tablets and smartphones.

- Turn off all defenses at least 30 twinkles before bedtime to help children getting overstimulated.

- Have a media curfew at bedtime for all bias, including phones and tablets.

- Limit the quantum of screen time (television, videotape games and recreational screen time) to two hours per day or lower for everyone in the family.

- Help your children select the programs they really want to watch and be firm about not letting them watch shows with unhappy content (coitus, medicines, violence).

- Watch programs with your children to cover the content of the shows and pay attention to the advertising, too.

- Limit snacking while watching television – kiddies will frequently eat junk food without really being empty.

- Suggest inner conditioning for your kiddies to do rather than being in front of a screen; always have crafts, books and magazines at the ready.


Youngish children need healthy commerce with other children and grown-ups to learn and develop language and social chops. Learning to communicate and play is much more important than watching television. For these reasons, the American Academy of Pediatrics doesn't recommend TV for children younger than two times of age. For children two to five times, AAP recommends no further than one hour per day of screen time.

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