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آپ اسکین کا نتیجہ دیکھ سکتے ہیں۔ 5

Anna Karamazina

26.11.2022 15:00

What do Contact Sports Injuries Really Cost? It May be in the Billions

On September 19, with just a few twinkles remaining in the fourth quarter of a Division II council game in Texas, a 19- time-old sophomore cornerback from Midwestern State University named Robert Grays tried to attack his opponent. Rather than walking off the field to celebrate a nearly assured palm — his platoon led 35 to 13 — Grays was vacated in an ambulance. He later failed from a severe neck injury performing from the play, according to ESPN.

The tragedy is the rearmost, and most severe, illustration of an formerly egregious variety of contact sports, in particular football, are dangerous. But just how dangerous? And how important is that peril impacting theU.S. frugality?

Experimenters from Yale University tried to find out, publishing a paper that examines a large swath of data from mainly high academy and collegiate calisthenics.

As reported by the New York Times, the authors ’ findings estimate the price of contact sports injuries — from football, wrestling, basketball, and soccer — could exceed$ 20 billion a time as compared to non-contact sports — like baseball, tennis, and track and field. Also, the paper concludes that if the rules for contact sports changed to come on-contact, total injuries each time for high academy and council men would drop by further than 650,000.

High academy sports account for the largest donation to both cost and injury rate, which the authors point out is because openings to play are significantly advanced at the lower position. The paper estimates high academy contact sports are responsible for over $19.2 billion monthly and 600,000 further periodic injuries.

The most dangerous contact sport for high schoolers isn't surprising football. The data estimates concussions do nine times more frequently on the gridiron than during non-contact sports. In council, wrestling reckoned for a advanced injury- rate than football, though the injury rate for both sports further than doubled from high academy to council.

Ray Fair, the paper’s elderly author and a professor of economics at Yale, told the New York Times, “The issue really is that contact is the driving force in all these major injuries.” He also said he'd noway allow his own children or grandchildren to contend in contact sports.

Part of that logic may stem from a larger issue that the data was unfit to measure the cost of long- term injuries, be it multiple concussions or arthritis brought on by repeated bone and tendon trauma.

The paper concludes by pointing out maybe its largest excrescence, saying, “ People obviously differ on the weights they place on the costs and benefits of contact sports. For illustration, changing football to be a non-contact sport would be a large change in the sports culture in the United States. ”

That’s academic speak for replacing pads with flags just is n’t as fun. Which means, for better (or for worse) effects likely are n’t going to change any time soon.

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